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Church Leaders’ to Release Centenary Podcast
The Church Leaders’ Group (Ireland) will release a special podcast series on the theme ‘Identity and Belonging: Past, Present, Future’ this week, starting on Monday 18 October with Archbishop Eamon Martin, Roman Catholic Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of All Ireland. Each church leader will be joined in conversation by a number of special guests.
Centenary Event: What Church Leaders said on St Patrick’s Day 2021
In the light of the recent news coverage concerning the service organised by the Church Leaders to be held in Armagh Cathedral in October - here is what the Church Leaders said at St.Patrick’s day 2021.
Church leaders promote service of reflection and hope
Christian commitment to peace, healing and reconciliation underpins Service of Reflection and Hope to mark the partition of Ireland and the formation of Northern Ireland
A Tribute to Pat Hume
Like many others we recognise the invaluable contribution which Pat played in the merging peace process associated with her husband John and others. She was courageous, wise and untiring in her support and encouragement for John.
MCI's Response to the devastation of Haiti
As has often be said “we live in a global village” and as such every day brings news of death and destruction and so we cannot avoid the problems of our world.
MCI Endorses Call for Ireland to Resettle 1,000 Afghan Refugees
The Methodist Church in Ireland Endorses Call for Ireland to Commit to Resettle 1000 Afghan Refugees
MCI President & WDR Convenor Speak Out Against Government Cut in Overseas Aid
The President of the Methodist Church in Ireland, the Rev. Dr. Sahr Yambasu, and the Convener of Irish Methodist World Development & Relief, Rev. Paul Maxwell, jointly condemn the action of the government of the United Kingdom in cutting its overseas aid budget from 0.7% to 0.5%.
CSR: President Higgins comments on rise in advertising for gambling.
We look forward to mature and helpful public discussion on this in the coming months.
The Methodist Church in Britain: Resolutions on Marriage & Relationships
The Methodist Church in Britain has been carefully reflecting on human sexuality for many years and have made their decision today with grace and integrity.
President: ‘Northern Ireland Deserves Leadership not Brinkmanship’
Northern Ireland can ill-afford another period of political brinkmanship which could jeopardise the devolved administration at Stormont
Membership to the New Governance Board
Conference 2021 saw the announcement of members of the new Governance Board for the Methodist Church in Ireland who are as follows;
Blazing a trail with First Black leader of a Major Irish Church
The Methodist Church in Ireland will make history next week when the Rev. Dr. Sahr Yambasu becomes the first national leader of colour in one of Ireland's four main churches as he is installed as MCI President at their annual conference.
President’s Final Sunday
Sunday 6th June 2021 was the final Sunday for the Rev.Dr. Tom McKnight, the outgoing President of the Methodist Church in Ireland.
#WeStandUp | The Murder of George Floyd
We lament the cruel and unnecessary death of George Floyd, and others like him, and pray for their families and friends. We are deeply concerned that Mr Floyd should not have met his death at the hands of police: when confidence in the police is so seriously undermined the whole of society suffers.
#WeStandUp | Resolution on Racism
In the wake of the cruel and needless death of George Floyd and the widespread cry for an end to the "polemic of racism" we call upon our Methodist people to stand up against the sin of racism. Let us not just condemn the wicked actions of others in the present or the past, but let us examine our own hearts and attitudes. Like the related evil of sectarianism, racism can be deeply ingrained and yet hidden, under a veneer of respectability. In doing so, we are not saying anything new.
Justice in the Vaccine Roll Out
The Covid-19 pandemic has affected every country in the world. Very few countries have been able to limit its impact, and for most, Covid-19 continues to be a very serious threat.
However, the rapid development of several safe and effective vaccines is good news. We give thanks to God for this precious gift. As with many precious gifts, we want to ensure that vaccines are used effectively and shared generously.
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