#WeStandUp | The Murder of George Floyd

The Council on Social Responsibility have Released the Following Statement 

We lament the cruel and unnecessary death of George Floyd, and others like him, and pray for their families and friends. We are deeply concerned that Mr  Floyd should not have met his death at the hands of police: when confidence in the police is so seriously undermined the whole of society suffers.

The Methodist Church in Ireland supports and embraces the stand taken by the Council of Bishops of the United Methodist Church when they state:

“As people of faith it is time to take a stand against any and all expressions of racism and white supremacy” 

 Bishop Bruce Ough, resident Bishop of the area which covers Minneapolis, writes “Now it is our responsibility as persons of faith…to address the pervasive pandemic of racism. We are compelled to address this pandemic with the same intensity and intentionality with which we are addressing Covid-19.” 

As a Church we have lived through times of violence, death and civil unrest.  We pray for healing and peace on the streets of the cities of America and a renewed commitment to address the issues which underlie that unrest.



President’s Final Sunday


#WeStandUp | Resolution on Racism