Supporting • Promoting • Equipping

Welcome to the Ministries Team
Each person has a calling to live wholeheartedly as a follower of Jesus, for the transformation of the world. In this calling, we use the gifts and talents that God has entrusted to us.
The Ministries Team exists to support the Methodist Church’s priorities for lay and ordained ministry by equipping people across Ireland to develop their ministries in different roles and contexts.
Our Vision & Purpose
Inspire and promote the ministry of the whole church.
Promote and deliver theological education and training through the provision of a variety of learning and development opportunities.
Enable the development of lay and ordained ministries and leadership.
Oversee the processes relating to selection for ministry and ongoing ministry personnel matters.
The work of the Ministries Team is supported through two standing committees:
The Ministries Learning and Development Committee
The Committee is responsible for advising the Ministries Team on the following:
Learning and Development for congregational life
Continuing Development for vocational lay employees (in conjunction with IMYCD)
Ordained Ministry Development – including Continuing Development, Sabbaticals, Further Studies and Pastoral Efficiency
Initial and ongoing training for Local Preachers (in conjunction with the Connexional Local Preachers Committee)
Initial Formation for Ordained Ministry
Lay Ministry, through the Lay Ministry Forum
The Ministries Policies and Procedures Committee
The Committee is responsible for the following:
Drafting and updating policies and procedures relating to the operations of authorized ministries in the Methodist Church in Ireland.
Ordained Ministry selection – Candidates and applications from those serving with other churches.
Ordained Ministry Formation Progress
Processes relating to ministerial sabbaticals and further study/development grants.
Special Applications for Ordained Ministers serving in appointments beyond the stations of the Methodist Church in Ireland.
Procedures relating to nomination and appointment of Local Preachers (in conjunction with the Connexional Local Preachers Committee).
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