Manual of Laws


The Manual of Laws and Discipline of the Methodist Church in Ireland was first developed in 1813.

The last printed edition was that developed in 2004 (revised 2011). 

Download the most recent Manual of Laws from Conference 2023 below:


In the year 1813 the Irish Conference decided to publish in a single volume the laws and regulations which governed the Methodist Societies in Ireland. This was done in 1814, under the title “The Compiled Minutes”. In 1851 the book was revised and republished.

The Conference of 1870 appointed a Committee to prepare “A Manual of Laws and Discipline.” This volume, as approved by the Conference of 1872, was published in April, 1873. Revised editions were issued in 1889, and in 1900; and in 1909 a Supplement containing new legislation was issued.

In 1916 a revised and codified edition of the Manual was published. Since that date important changes have taken place in the Church. The setting up of two legislatures in Ireland necessitated certain alterations in the regulations and arrangements of the Connexion.

In the year 1928 simultaneous and identical Acts of Parliament were obtained, in the Irish Free State and in Northern Ireland , in order to give statutory effect to the Constitution of the Church, to provide for the alteration and amendment of its Constitution, and for other important purposes. The changes resulting from this legislation were incorporated, by the direction of the Conference, in the “Manual of Laws and Discipline” published in 1934 and subsequently amended by a Supplement issued in 1954.

In 1977, following substantial three years ‘work of revision', the revised Manual was published by the direction of the Conference of 1976.

A further substantial revision, including the addition of all legislation approved between 1977 and 2004, the reorganisation of material in several chapters and the introduction of a new numbering system of chapters and paragraphs, the Manual was printed in 2005 and again following the 2011 Conference. Since then the contents have been updated electronically year on year.


The Constitution of the Methodist Church in Ireland


By a Deed Poll registered in the Court of Chancery of Northern Ireland, on 12th December 1927, and in the High Court of Justice of the Irish Free State, on 14th December 1927, the Vice-President of the Conference, acting on behalf of, and by direction of the Conference of the Methodist Church in Ireland, declared and caused to be duly enrolled the Constitution of the Methodist Church in Ireland.

That Constitution, including subsequent amendments and alterations, is divided in the following sections:

Section 1 - The Methodist Church

Section 2 - Statement of Belief

Section 3 - Membership

Section 4 - The Ministry

Section 5 - The Courts of the Church

Section 6 - The Conference

Section 7 - The Itinerancy


The 42 Chapters of the Manual of Laws can be accessed in PDF format.


The Appendices of the Manual of Laws can be accessed in Word and Adobe PDF format, using the links below.

1 - Wesley's 12 Rules for Helpers (Word) (PDF)

2 - Methodist Church in Ireland Act 1915 (Word) (PDF)

3 - Methodist Church in Ireland Act 1928 (Word) (PDF)

4 - Trustees of MCI – Appendix 4 (Word) (PDF)

5 - Solemnisation of Marriages (Word) (PDF)

6 - Sale of Trust Property (Word) (PDF)

7 - Standard Forms of Agreement and Appointment (Word) (PDF)

8 - Agenda: Autumn Synod (Word) (PDF)

9A - Agenda: Spring Synod - Ministerial Session (Word) (PDF)

9B - Agenda: Spring Synod (Word) (PDF)

10 - Agenda: Circuit Trustees (Word) (PDF)

11 - Code of Pastoral Practice (PDF)

12 - Basic Accommodation Requirements (Word) (PDF)

13 - Policy on anti-bullying and harrassment (PDF)

14 - Order for the Installation of the President of Conference and of the Methodist Church in Ireland (Word) (PDF)

15 - Reconciliation of Unresolved Tensions (Word) (PDF)

16 - Childhaven and Craigmore (PDF)

17 – Ordained Ministers (PDF)


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