5th - 7th june
Thomas Street Methodist Church, Portadown
More details will be available soon.
→ Visit the Conference 2024 page to catch up on everything from the 2024 Conference.
The supreme court of the church is the Conference, which is the final authority in the Church in all matters of doctrine, worship, discipline and order.
The first conference in Ireland was called by John Wesley in 1752 and was held in Limerick. With a few exceptions, the Irish Conference had been chaired by the successor of John Wesley, the President of the Methodist Church in England, until recently. In the last number of years the Church has elected a President annually, who chairs the Conference and other committees throughout the year, as well as visiting Methodist congregations all over the island and representing the Church in the public sphere.
Lay and ordained people, both men and women are involved in decision making at all levels. The Methodist Church in Ireland has ordained women since 1978, and women may serve in all positions in the Church. A system of committees deals with a variety of issues within the Church, e.g. Faith and Order, Inter-Church relations, Social Responsibility.
Rev Dr Heather Morris
Secretary of Conference
The Secretary of Conference acts as the General Secretary of the Methodist Church in Ireland. The Secretary of Conference fulfils the functions of Chief Executive of the Church, reporting to, and held accountable by the Governance Board. The Secretary of Conference is responsible for ensuring that the direction which the Conference has set is implemented across the life of the Church.
Before being stationed to this role Heather served as General Secretary of the Home Mission Department, Director of Ministry, as minister in Dundonald Methodist Church and as junior minister in Grosevenor Hall, as well as having a time without pastoral charge when her sons were young.
Conference Resources
key resources and publications
Minutes of Conference 2024
Download the Minutes of Conference as a PDF
For The Transformation
of the World
Watch various sessions from Conference 2024
Living Wholeheartedly
with General Secretary, Rev Dr Heather Morris
The Work of Conference
Governance Reform
Governance Structures And Processes
Report & Reccomendations prepared by the Governance Working Group