Living Wholeheartedly


Vision Statement

‘Living wholeheartedly as followers of Jesus for the transformation of the world’ was adopted as the vision statement for the Methodist Church in Ireland in 2021.

This Connexional year, we will dwell with the final part of our vision statement, and our President will invite us to think about how we are called to transform the world. 

Visit this page throughout the year for inspiration and up to date resources to help you and your congregation. You will also hear about what living out this vision means for Methodists in Ireland on our social media platforms, in our publications and at events.

Follow us on social media to stay up to date.
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We would love you to share your reflections, questions and prayers with us.

Let us know how you are sensing God this year.
You can contact us at

Bible Studies

This brand new Bible study series takes five of our Transformation Stories videos and invites us to think about what it means to be transformed in Christ. Through story, along with scripture, discussion, prayer and action, we encourage you to explore what transformation really means and how it is to be lived out in your everyday being.

These can be adapted for any group (including youth groups) and used as a five-week series or can be stand-alone sessions for thought and discussion. They could even be adapted into a sermon series if this suits your congregation better.

For families, there is also a downloadable Family Devotional to complement this bible study material.

Transformation Video Stories

A series of short videos are being released throughout the year telling stories from Ireland and further afield about lives that have been changed because of God’s transforming work in the world.

All the Transformation Stories videos can be used in services, small groups and shared on social media as a way of encouraging our Connexion to share our stories of transformation. Follow the link below to view and download the latest video stories for use in your context.

Transformation Prayer

We will keep seeking God for growth and renewal in the church throughout 2024/25.

We know that God moves when we gather together to pray and sense that he is inviting us to pray in person this year. 

A ‘Transformation Prayer Gathering’ resource is now available.

Transformation Prayer Gatherings’ have been arranged in each District, hosted by a local church, and open to anyone from the District to attend. 

  • Date: Saturday 28th September 2024
    Host: Bev Barbour
    Venue: Mountmellick Methodist Church
    Time: 2pm

    [Download slide]

    Date: Sunday 6th October 2024
    Host: Mark Forsyth
    Venue: Dundrum Methodist Church
    Time: 7pm

    [Download slide]

    Date: Wednesday 19th March 2025
    Host: Griff Rollefson
    Venue: Ardfallen, Cork
    Time: 6pm

    [Download slide]

  • Date: Wednesday 2nd October 2024
    Host: Alan Conly

    Inviting others to join in their regular prayer gathering.

    Venue: Woodvale Methodist
    Time: 7.30pm

    [Download slide]

  • Date: Monday 4th November, 2024
    Host: John McConnell

    This is their regular prayer gathering, started up again after Seek.

    Venue: Maguiresbridge Methodist
    Time: 8pm

    [Download slide]


    Date: Thursday 13th February, 2025
    Host: Darrin Thompson

    This is their regular gathering.

    Venue: Thomas Street Methodist, Portadown
    Time: 7.30pm

    [Download slide]

Transforming Conversations

During the 2024/25 Connexional Year local churches are invited to have Transforming Conversations that invite us to reflect on the story of our Churches, and to be challenged to think about how we are, together, involved in Christ’s work of transformation in this world. These downloads have been created to help start conversations among your church council, congregation, circuit, small groups and children & young people.  They are fully adaptable to your setting and context. We hope they will help you engage with this year’s Connexional theme, but more so, that they will challenge you to see where God is at work and stir you to further join in.

Advent Worship Resources

Brand new Advent Resources on the theme of ‘Transformation’.

Host a Transformation Prayer Gathering

With a resource now available for local churches, as well as encouraging people to join in with gatherings already arranged on their District, we would love to see more Transformation Prayer Gatherings happening across the Connexion as we celebrate God at work and ask Him to transform the world around us. 

If you plan on hosting a Transformation Prayer Gathering, please fill in this form and we’ll be in touch.

Alternatively you can email us at:


Resource Archive

practices of jesus blog series - rev david turtle, president 2023-24

Throughout the 2023-24 Connexional year, David introduced us to different themes each month giving attention to one of the practices of Jesus and encouraging local churches to explore these practices together. Resources included.


Download our Resource Pack which includes studies for small groups, youth groups, Sunday schools and all age worship.


This resource video from General Secretary, Rev Dr Heather Morris, serves to inspire and encourage Methodists across the Connexion, to have a faith in God that isn’t limited to a Sunday, but that’s lived out wholeheartedly every day, in every situation.


This discussion guide was created to introduce your Church Council to the vision statement in 2022/23.


Learn more about some of the distinctives communicated by ‘Living wholeheartedly as followers of Jesus for the transformation of the world’ phrase.


The Pastoral Address from Conference 2022 seeks to explore the idea of Wholehearted Ministry throughout the Connexion.


‘Wholehearted’ is a resource that not only prepares young people for becoming a member of the Methodist Church in Ireland but that also encourages them and helps them grow in their journey as disciples.