MCI Endorses Call for Ireland to Resettle 1,000 Afghan Refugees


The Methodist Church in Ireland continues to be committed to the welfare and dignity of those seeking refuge. We recognise our responsibility locally and globally. We therefore endorse the call by the group of Irish agencies working on Migrant, Asylum and Refugee rights in regard to the plight of the Afghan people and our responsibilities in Ireland at this time.

“We call on Ireland to commit to resettle a minimum of 1,000 Afghan refugees. This scheme should be flexible and include people in neighbouring countries. We call on Ireland to participate in any wider resettlement and relocation scheme that the EU proposes.”

In a letter to the Taoiseach, the group state that they strongly welcome the initial commitment to offer 150 people humanitarian admission to Ireland, plus commitments to prioritise family reunification. They also state their readiness to support this process in any way we can.

In addition they call on the Irish government to take the following steps:

  1. Increase resettlement places for Afghan refugees and provide additional support and assistance for the Irish Refugee Protection Programme and participate in a wider EU redistribution

  2. Humanitarian admission of people at high risk of persecution. “We welcome the initial commitment of the evacuation of 150 Afghan people made by Minister Simon Coveney on 16 August.”

  3. Ensure international protection is provided to Afghan protection applicants currently in Ireland through an expedited process

Pray for Haiti & Afghanistan

Join Christian Aid to pray for the people of Afghanistan and Haiti.

Tonight (19th August) 5pm

Hear our prayer: Pray for Haiti and Afghanistan


MCI's Response to the devastation of Haiti


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