Introducing our new Mission Partner
“She has been working as a French and Spanish teacher for the past three and a half years and is also a Methodist Local Preacher. ”
Meet Melisa…
World Mission Partnership is pleased to share news of a new Irish Methodist Mission Partner.
Melissa Newell will begin her overseas service in early 2022. From September - December 2021, Melissa will complete a training period at Cliff College, England.
The daughter of Irish Methodist Minister Rev. William & Janette Newell, Melissa has lived in various places across Northern Ireland and is currently based in Dungannon.
She has been working as a French and Spanish teacher for the past three and a half years and is also a Methodist Local Preacher.
Watch this short video as World Mission Officer Tim Dunwoody finds out more about Melissa’s journey and her calling to serve God overseas. .
Pray for Melissa
Please pray for Melissa as she prepares to move to study for a semester at Cliff College, England and as she waits to hear where she will serve from 2022.
Melissa also asks for prayer for her friends and family in this period of transition.
Discover more about how Methodist People in Ireland, and friends, join with partners around the world to proclaim Christ’s love.