Membership to the New Governance Board

Conference 2021 saw the announcement of members to the new Governance Board for the Methodist Church in Ireland who are as follows;

  • Chair - Mr Tony O’Connor

  • President - Rev Dr Sahr Yambasu

  • President designate - Rev David Nixon

  • Ex-President - Rev Dr T R McKnight

  • Lay Leader - Mrs Hazel Loney

  • General Secretary - Rev Dr Heather Morris 

  • Chair of Standing Committee of Statutory Trustees - Mr Thomas H Millar MBE

Elected members

  • Rev Harold Agnew

  • Mr David Best

  • Rev David Campton

  • Mr John Clarke

  • Mr Paul Cummings

  • Mrs Laura Griffiths

  • Rev Nigel Mackey

  • Mrs Gillian Kingston


“Leading us toward structure that better supports mission today” 

The Working Group on Governance Reform was set up in 2018 to examine the national-level governance structures of the Church. In December 2020, General Committee, acting as Conference 2020, voted to accept the report and recommendations of the Working Group. These recommendations came before Conference 2021 and were approved. Conference members were  hence asked to vote on members to the new governance board from the list of nominees which was circulated in advance of Conference proceedings.


President: ‘Northern Ireland Deserves Leadership not Brinkmanship’


Designation of President & Lay Leader