Resource Library
Human Sexuality Resources
View resources and more from Faith & Order.
The Methodist Church in Ireland's Youth and Children's Strategy
Find out more about the Connexional Youth and Children's Strategy.
Visit the ‘Living Wholeheartedly’ page for the latest available resources.
Theology of Safeguarding
Theology of Safeguarding document (2024)
Response to Domestic Abuse
Response to Domestic Abuse Document, Worship Resources and more.
Anti-Bullying & Harassment Policy
Who is this policy for?
This policy is for all ministers, ordained and probationer, church members and all who volunteer within the Church.
Download the policy document
Watch the E-Learning Resource
CSR Archive
The Council on Social Responsibility highlight important social issues to help Irish Methodists think through what we believe on them and how we might be able to take loving action. Download resources and more.
Ministry of Healing
The Ministry of Healing Committee commends the exercise of a healing ministry to every circuit and society. Download resources, view guidelines and more.
The Methodist Newsletter
The MNL is an independent journal, but, at the same time, carries stories, views, news and articles from across the Methodist spectrum.
The Methodist Church in Ireland’s
Youth and Children’s Strategy
Boards, Committees and Working groups
Church Development Board
Property Board
Board of Education
Faith and Order Committee
These groups exist to support the ministry and mission of the Methodist Church in Ireland. Materials produced by our Boards, Committees and Working Groups for the Church can be found in the shared Microsoft Team’s Site named ‘MCI Resources’ among other locations within the Methodist Church in Ireland’s Microsoft 365 system where users can access easily. Materials may be featured on this website from time to time depending on its topic and who it’s produced for.
If you are looking for materials from a particular group beyond what you find here or are not a user within the Microsoft 365 System, you will find contact details for MCI Officers using the button below. We encourage you to make contact with the group directly in your search.
Faith, Church, Life
A collection of resources to equip us in living wholeheartedly as followers of Jesus and in our ‘stepping out’ to see the world transformed by the love of God.
Prayer Resources
Visit our Prayer Hub for Prayer Focus downloads and other resources that can be used at any time.
Family & Children
A collection of resources curated by IMYC, dedicated to helping children and young people take their place in God's mission.
We're committed to mission. Visit the Mission & Discipleship hub to explore stories, resources and ideas as we seek to be missional disciples in our everyday.
Training & Development
Resources to support, promote and equip you in your calling and to develop your ministry in different roles and contexts.
The Harbour Team
The Methodist Church in Ireland recognises the importance of offering practical support and encouragement to all those serving the Church.
Human Sexuality
A collection of multi-generational resources produced by the working party of Faith & Order on Human Sexuality.

Singing the Faith
Signing the Faith acknowledges the rich diversity of material published since 1983; it is sensitive to Methodist heritage but also to the needs and practice of our contemporary fellowships.
Weddings, Baptisms and Funerals
This resource takes you through all you need to know for Weddings, Baptisms & Funerals in the Methodist Church, with guidance and FAQ's.
Home Mission Sunday
Everything you need for Home Mission Sunday in your local church
World Mission Sunday
Everything you need for World Mission Sunday in your local church
Covenant Service
The start of a new year gives us the opportunity of starting afresh.
From the earliest days of the Methodist movement, John Wesley invited the Methodist people to an annual service for the renewal of our Covenant with God, normally on the first Sunday of each year. Much of the original material for this service was sourced from 17th century Puritans and there have been several revisions since. The high point of this service comes as we say the Covenant Prayer together. We undertake this renewal relying on the grace of God and trusting his promises. When we say "put me to suffering", we are not asking God to inflict pain on us, but rather that we would be strengthened by his grace through patient endurance.
Covenant Prayer
A prayer which is normally said on the first Sunday of the year but one that can be prayed at any stage of the year as a sign of committment to living 'wholeheartedly' as a follower of Jesus.
Ideas for Prayer Stations
For a journey of reflection through the renewal our Covenant to God and the Covenant Prayer.

Key Information
Annual Report & Accounts
Ministers Retirement Benefit Scheme
The Trustees of The Methodist Church in Ireland aim to invest the assets of the Scheme prudently to ensure that the benefits promised to members are provided. In setting investment strategy, the Trustees first considered the lowest risk asset allocation that they could adopt in relation to the Scheme's liabilities. The asset allocation strategy they have selected is designed to achieve a higher return than the lowest risk strategy while maintaining a prudent approach to meeting the Scheme's liabilities.
Find out more about our Safeguarding efforts and related resources