Council on Social Responsibility

Mission statement

The Council on Social Responsibility aims to understand and analyse a range of social, political, economic and constitutional issues. It attempts to consider these issues with theological insight and to provide realistic and practical recommendations for action.

The Council operates through Southern and Northern Executives but there are areas of work which both continue to be involved in addressing together.

CSR Archive


Social Responsibility Sunday 2024

Service Materials – Christians and Politics

Accountability Structure

Details of the Accountability Structure of the Council on Social Responsibility, the Northern and Southern Executives and Task and Finish Working Party Groups.

Environmental Policy (2024)

Coming soon

Other documents

Social Responsibility Sunday


Service Materials – Active at the margins




Ethical Remembering - Commemoration in a New Context
Rev Dr Johnston McMaster (June 2011)


Submission on Gambling (June 2011)
Submission on Alcohol - Minimum Pricing of Alcohol (June 2011)
MCI abortion consulation (Dec 19)
MCI Gambling Consultation Response
Same Sex Religious Marriage Consultation MCI response

External Reports

The Lies We Tell Ourselves: ending comfortable myths about poverty. A report from the Baptist Union of Great Britain, the Methodist Church, the Church of Scotland and the United Reformed Church

Truth and Lies about Poverty: Infographics


Climate Change
Climate Change Theology

Peace and Reconciliation

Address by President and Lay Leader of the Methodist Church in Ireland Concerning the 'Decade of Commemoration, 2012-2022' in Ireland. Our Call to be a Covenant People of Memory and Hope, President and Lay Leader (St.Patrick's Day 2012)

Healing the Hurts Liturgy - a special Service which could be used in a wide range of settings where a group of people - a congregation - a community - are seeking to recognise their hurts, and bring understanding, forgiveness and healing.

Healing the Hurts Bible Studies - Produced to encourage and resource those in our churches who would like to consider the issues associated with healing the hurts of the past a special series of Bible Studies has been prepared by Rev Dr Johnston McMaster and published by the Council on Social Responsibility.