Data Protection
New EU Data Protection legislation came into force on 25 May 2018.
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) strengthens earlier Data Protection Acts in the UK and RoI, particularly in the areas of accountability and giving individuals more rights in controlling what you can do with their information. Losing people’s data, or not securing it properly, could lead to a ‘breach’ and might result in fines from the Information Commissioner’s Office (UK) or Data Protection Commissioner (RoI). Every Methodist circuit and department needs to have a written data protection policy that makes sense to the people who are using it and can be implemented without delay.
This page contains some resources to download that will help you understand your responsibilities and become compliant with the new law; we hope to add some online training for volunteers soon.
Any enquiries should be directed to
The Secretary of Conference in Edgehill House,
Lennoxvale, Belfast
028 90767969
or e-mail secretary@irishmethodist.org.
Resource Documents
Click on the below links to view the resource documents:
The Gift of Knowledge – an introduction to data protection legislation, new elements added by GDPR, and a checklist for you to follow to become compliant.
Miscellaneous A-Z – a list of answers to commonly asked questions about specific issues raised by data protection law.
Information Register – a table that helps you to complete an information audit for your circuit/department
Sample Data Protection Policy – a template document for your Circuit Executive to record your decisions and procedures in the realm of data protection. The document includes a Checklist for the Circuit Executive, full Privacy Notice, Guidelines for data processors, the Information Register, Subject Access Request and Breach Notification policies, along with sample wording for a basic consent form and privacy notes.