Prayer of Solidarity: Persecuted Christians

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The Methodist Church in Ireland has many international partnerships through its World Mission Partnership department and also its World Development & Relief department.

Church in Chains, an Irish based organisation, keeps us abreast of situations where Christians are persecuted because of their faith. Christians are ill-treated, intimidated, bullied, discriminated against, unfairly accused and arrested, imprisoned, tortured or even killed in some countries. Persecution can come from within their own family or community and often it is a systematic hostility from political or religious institutions. We are called to stand in the gap for all of those who have been imprisoned, bereaved, separated from their loved ones or attacked for following Jesus.

God the Father, 
We pray for the prisoner.
For their faith and perseverance and for a knowledge that you are with them.
For their comfort, peace and hope.
For fellowship with other Christian prisoners.
And we ask that justice would prevail and that they would be released.
We pray for prisoners’ families.
For help with coping with loneliness and loss.
For provision when there is reduced income.
For protection from psychological and emotional harm and from physical attack.
We pray for Christians facing persecution.
For protection.
For financial provision for those facing discrimination affecting employment.
For support and encouragement via TV, the internet and social media.
Lord, may the day come when all are free to worship freely.


Cuba protests


Wesley Hospital, Myanmar