Cuba protests

The mass protests that broke out in Cuba on 11 July have been a rare public demonstration of social discontent not seen in more than 60 years. Protestors cite the inadequate government response to a new wave of COVID, the crisis in universal healthcare provision, ongoing chronic shortages of basic goods and the government’s management of the economy as factors that have led to a wave of protests across the Caribbean island. There have also been counter protests by those citizens seeking to uphold and affirm the Cuban Revolution and the current socialist regime. Many protestors have been arrested and the police and military forces have used violence to suppress protestors. Access to the internet, which allowed protestors to organise the gatherings and offered a social media platform through which to share video footage of protests and the repression, has been blocked by the government.

The Methodist Church in Cuba has issued a public statement in response to government action against protestors: “We reaffirm that the church has been called to be by the people. Seeing Jesus Christ in every individual, as He said, “Since you have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, you have done it unto me” (Matthew 25:40). 

We condemn all act of violence and social indiscipline. We reject the repression exercised against the people who were protesting. Confrontation and violence only lead to death, mourning, and insecurity. Refusing to listen to the people’s voice, those who were peacefully making their claims, equals to closing the only door to understanding and the power to live in peace.”

Please join us in praying for Cuba and the Methodist Church in Cuba: 

Dear Lord, we commit the island of Cuba into your hands.

We declare your peace that surpasses all understanding over every inhabitant, community, town and city.

We ask that you help the nation deepen its national unity and solidarity with one another, regardless of the political convictions held.

We pray for the Cuban government, that its leaders would have the heart of true shepherds and lead their people to green pastures and still waters.

We pray for any protestors who have been unjustly arrested. May they experience the justice and liberty of God.

We pray for the economy of the country and its universal healthcare system. May they be strengthened and developed so that every Cuban may experience the abundant life that Jesus promised to give us.

We pray for those in Cuba suffering from COVID 19 and for those who have lost loved ones due to the virus. May they know the healing and comforting hand of God.

We ask that you strengthen the Methodist Church in Cuba during this time. We pray that they will continue to be the salt of the earth, preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ in word and dead.

We ask for your blessings of peace, joy, love, spiritual and material prosperity and abundance for Cuba.

In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

Source: Global Relationships [Methodist Church in Britain]


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