Hear from the Tettey family

Mission partners Michael and Joanna Tettey have recently been working with the Eglise Méthodiste du Togo, having previously served in Benin and Sierra Leone.

Michael has been instrumental in the health work of the church in an advisory and administrative capacity. Joanna has been serving as a midwife and health training in the Connexion. In September 2022, Joanna steps down from missionary service to enable their two daughters, Joelle and Janelle, to continue their education in England.

Michael will commence a new Togo-based international role in supporting the global Methodist Church in the provision and training of Safeguarding.

Listen to their story in this podcast from the Methodist Church in Britain, recorded when they returned for a visit to the UK in July 2022.

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All Mission Partners are sent jointly by the Irish and British Methodist Churches. Click here to find out more about those currently serving overseas.


August 2022: News from World Methodist Council


Praying for the Persecuted Church