Praying for the Persecuted Church

The Methodist Church in Ireland has many international partnerships through both World Mission Partnership and World Development & Relief.
Church in Chains is an Irish charity which encourages prayer and action in support of persecuted Christians worldwide. Church in Chains shares points for prayer through World Mission Partnership, to help Irish Methodists pray for the persecuted church.

Shortly after Jesus’ crucifixion, his disciples gathered in a locked room. Why a locked room? Because they were afraid that the authorities might be coming for them next.

Those fears weren’t unfounded: soon afterward, a man called Stephen became the first Christian martyr. His death marked the beginning of a continuous cycle of persecution against Christians. Early believers were frequently harassed, imprisoned and even killed for their faith.

But that kind of persecution doesn’t belong to the history books. Today, believers across the world are still suffering terrible punishments for their faith in Jesus.

In India, Christians are being persecuted for the “crime” of sharing the Gospel. In January, Pastor Kailash Dudwe was stripped and beaten unconscious by a mob. In April, Pastor Pravesh Kumar was brutally assaulted by police using batons and leather straps.  The violence has been even worse in Nigeria. In June alone, more than thirty people were murdered during attacks on church gatherings in Kaduna State – including a bloody assault on Pentecost Sunday.

 As Methodists, we stand in solidarity with our fellow believers. We might not share their suffering, but we share their faith and their commitment to sharing the Good News of salvation.

Let us pray.

You hear the cries of your people,
You know the pain of your Church.
Strengthen those who suffer in your name.

They do not suffer alone, because you are with them.
May your presence be a comfort to them,
To their families, their friends and their loved ones.

Open our eyes to persecution.
Give us resolve and resources,
And the courage we need to support those who suffer in your name.

Protect your followers from harm.
And where they suffer for their faith,
Give them certainty in the life to come.
We ask this in your Son’s name,



Hear from the Tettey family


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