Prayers for the UK General Election this week

The Church issued a statement last month in light of the upcoming elections in both jurisdictions.  The following update from the Council on Social Responsibility reflects on the UK General Election.

The Council on Social Responsibility has often encouraged the Methodist people on this island to take an interest in social and political affairs.  This covers a wide range of very important and practical issues that impact the lives of all who live here.  We have always had particular concern for the most marginalized and vulnerable.  

We don’t tell our Methodist people which party to vote for – but we do encourage everyone who has the right to vote, to exercise that democratic responsibility.  

We encourage our people to pray –

• For all candidates in the final days of electioneering.

• For those responsible for the election and counting processes, that it may go smoothly and without controversy.  

• For all who will be elected to parliament, that they may have the strength to serve all their constituents with diligence and integrity.  

• For whichever party will form the Government and whose leader will become the Prime Minister.

• For the person who will be appointed Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, that s/he may have a very positive influence on peoples’ lives here.  For wisdom in dealing with both the Government in Westminster and the Assembly at Stormont.

• For local political parties and those who will be elected to Westminster.  That any shift in the ‘balance of power’ may facilitate and not frustrate progress towards reconciliation here and good governance in Northern Ireland.  

• Whatever the outcome of the election, pray for a peaceful summer on the streets of Northern Ireland.


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