A year of transformation…

Over the last few years the Discipleship Development Group, who works on behalf of the Connexional Team, have provided encouragement to local churches to engage with, understand and live out the vision statement of the Methodist Church in Ireland.

Throughout 2024/25 the group will continue to do this as we, as a Connexion, focus on “…for the transformation of the world” alongside the President’s theme.  There will be several things that will be available over the year that are outlined below, but please do consistently check back to the Living Wholeheartedly section of the website, as this will be continually updated.


1. Transforming Conversations

The Pastoral Address 2024 encourages churches to have a “Transforming Conversation” in the year ahead. Discussion sessions have been prepared for Church Councils/Circuit Executives, Congregational Meetings, Small Groups and for Children and Young People to encourage conversations that celebrate all that has gone before and to look forward with hope.

These are available now to download from the Living Wholeheartedly section of the website.

2. Transformation Stories and accompanying small group studies

A series of short videos will be released throughout the year telling stories from Ireland and further afield about lives that have been transformed because of God at work through Methodist people. They will be released gradually throughout 2024/25 and will be accompanied by small group studies (the group studies resource will be available from February 2025).


3. Advent Worship Resources

An all-age service, Youth Fellowship Resources and Advent Candle Liturgy on the theme of ‘Transformation’ will be available in November.

 4. Transforming Prayer

We want to encourage churches to keep seeking God for growth and renewal in the church throughout 2024/25. We know that God moves when we gather together to pray and we sense that he is inviting us to pray in person this year.

We are encouraging churches to hold a ‘Transformation Prayer Gathering’ to celebrate God at work and to ask God to transform the world around us.

A ‘Transformation Prayer Gathering’ outline will be available from late August for churches to host their own gathering.  We have arranged two ‘Transformation Prayer Gatherings’ in each District, hosted by a local church and we are very grateful to these churches who have kindly agreed, (a third gathering is expected to be arranged for the Southern District).

These gatherings are open to anyone from the District to attend!

Southern District 

Date: 28th September 2024 
Venue: Mountmellick Methodist
Time: 2pm 

Date: 6th October 2024 
Venue: Dundrum Methodist
Time: 7pm 

North Eastern District 

Date: 2nd October 2024 
Venue: Woodvale Methodist 
Time:  7.30pm 

Date: 25th March 2025 
Venue: Portrush Methodist
Time: 7.45pm 

North Western District 

Date: 4th November 2024 
Venue: Maguiresbridge Methodist 
Time: 8pm 

Date: 13th February 2025 
Venue: Thomas Street Methodist
Time: 7.30pm 


In dedicating yourself to prayer over this coming year, we really want to encourage you to attend one of these ‘Transformation Prayer Gatherings’, or consider planning to host your own.

As we focus on ‘for the transformation of the world,’ we do so fully acknowledging that the work of transformation is Christ’s and not ours.  So, in prayer and faithfulness, in expectancy and hope, we echo the words of our President during his installation service, ‘Come Holy Spirit.’


Discipleship Development Group
Summer 2024


Refugee Week 2024