MCI President statement on upcoming elections

With elections taking place this week in the Republic of Ireland, and in the coming weeks in Northern Ireland, I want to take this opportunity to highlight our Church's commitment to engage well with the democratic processes available to us.

On Friday, voters will have the opportunity to help elect members for local Councils across the Republic and Irish Members of the European Parliament, as well those in Limerick to elect a new mayor. I would encourage those who have a vote to use it well.

A month ago, we issued an Election Document to help us think through some issues and responsibilities that we have. One of those responsibilities, and privilege, that we have is to pray; and I would ask that Methodists pray for our candidates and all those who will be elected during their time in office. As a Church we are clear about our ongoing commitment to engaging well with our politicians and wider society in both jurisdictions.  

Rev David Turtle
President of the Methodist Church in Ireland

Election Document


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