Young Leaders in Albania
Barry Sloan recently visited the Methodist Church in Albania (UMC Albania). Excerpts from his report are included below, or you can click here to read it in full.
Barry with the youth group
New church premises
A few months ago, the congregation [in Tirana, capital of Albania] was asked by their landlord to vacate the premises they were renting for church and ministry work. This placed an extra and significant burden on them, as it is very difficult to find suitable, affordable accommodation that has access to local transport in Tirana. Shortly before my visit, the congregation found suitable premises to rent - situated right next to the local prison! The new space they have is perfect for their worship services, their ministry with disadvantaged children (Early Learning Centre)and their new connections to the prison community.
“There are 4 pastors in the UMC Albania, pastoring 5 churches... All of them were supported by the World Mission Fund at some stage in their journey.”
The new apartments, which will generate income for UMC Albania
[I was] invited to hold a Bible study with the youth group in Tirana. Here, and in conversations with the national leadership (Wilfried and Jean Nausner) during my visit, it is very obvious how well the young UMC in Albania has invested in young leaders. I was very impressed with the theological breadth and spiritual depth of the young leaders in the Albanian church.
There are 4 pastors in the UMC Albania, pastoring 5 churches. It is especially encouraging for me to be able to report that all of them where supported by the World Mission Fund [a fund which Irish Methodists contribute to, via World Mission Partnership] at some stage in their journey. All of them were NMAs. All of them are now in leadership positions of the UMC in Albania. The wise leadership of Superintendent minister Wilfried Nausner and his UMC Mission Partner wife, Jean Nausner, has been decisive in the positive development of the young UMC in Albania. The new bishop, with oversight of the region, Stefan Züricher, has also recently visited Albania and is committed to further supporting the work and mission there.
[Using a capacity building grant from the World Mission Fund], UMC Albania have purchased 4 apartments that are currently being built in Tirana… the rental income from these apartments will be a significant contribution to the life and mission of the UMC in Albania in years to come.
Credit for all text and images: Barry Sloan