Update from Melissa Newell
Melissa in the grounds of Cliff College
In early 2022, Melissa Newell will begin her placement as a Mission Partner.
To prepare for overseas service, all Mission Partners sent by the Methodist Churches of Britain and Ireland spend time studying in Cliff College. Melissa has been at Cliff College since September, and has sent the following update:
“I am nearing the end of my time at Cliff College in Derbyshire, with only a few assignments left to complete. The past few months have provided a wonderful opportunity to study, reflect, and consider what mission looks like in the 21st century, and what it means to be a mission partner.
I have enjoyed the fellowship and discussions with the other Mission Partners-in-training being sent from the Methodist Church in Britain and the United Methodist Church in Germany as we all prepare to serve abroad.
Please pray for me as I complete the training and assignments necessary. I will return to Northern Ireland in December until I leave for Ecuador in early 2022. Please also pray for practical arrangements which still have to be finalised before I can travel to South America.”
Melissa will share prayer requests through WMP’s bimonthly newsletter.
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