Update from Gavin Taylor

MCI Mission Associate Gavin Taylor shares an update from Uganda, where he is serving with Engineering Ministries International (EMI).

Well, hard as it is to believe, I am very nearly finished my time in Uganda. This has been such a wonderful experience. It has truly felt like a privilege to live and serve here. I will miss it here very much, as I have made good friends and felt so involved in life and work. Yet I am also excited to get back to Ireland and see what God has next for me.

My last time at youth club was special. There were smaller numbers than usual, but that led to deeper conversations with those that were there about sin and the forgiveness we have in Christ. I've loved being a part of that group, and seeing the teens come out of their shells a bit as the months went on. The youth leaders took some time together recently as well to pray and think about the future of the club.

My work on Maranatha is close to completion, since the project timeline is aligned to T1. The draft construction drawings have all been sent out, and I will spend the remainder of my time updating the finer details. I'm so glad I have been able to see so much of this project through from beginning to (almost) completion of detailed structural design. I even had the chance to visit the existing hospital and the new site a couple of weeks ago. It was humbling to see the amazing work they are doing with the limited resources and facilities they have. And it gave me a real excitement to be working on their new facilities, which will be such a blessing to their work and ministry when it gets built. Please pray that God would provide Maranatha with the funds they need to get the project from paper to construction. It will be built in phases, the first building alone being a big improvement, with plans for future buildings to be added as fundraising progresses.

Thank you so much to all of you who supported me in prayer, finances, or encouragement over the last year. I am so grateful for all of you. God has shown me his provision, and that has been a real privilege to experience. I do plan to write one more letter in a month or so with reflections on my time, my plans for the future, and a final update on the work of EMI Uganda.

Prayer points

- That I will seek God's guidance on finishing well in both my ministry and EMI roles

- That I would not take discipleship opportunities for granted as I prepare to leave

- That I can transition well back to life in Ireland, and carry with me the lessons I have learned

- Pray for EMI Uganda and Kampala International Church, that they will be fruitful in the Kingdom work they do in Uganda


Blessed to Receive


Prioritising Mission in Mozambique