Summer Season in Ibiza

MCI Mission Associate Gemma Barclay has been serving with 24-7 Ibiza since March 2023 and shares updates and points for prayer through a regular newsletter. Here is a snippet from Gemma’s July Newsletter:

It has been a very busy few months as I have tried to get my head around everything the summer season holds and it has been amazing to see how God is moving in and through people in this place. I am really loving getting to know people, hearing their stories and journeying through the season with workers, team members and tourists. 

I recently sat with a girl who was crying because in that one day she was experiencing joy, sadness, grief and confusion and she just didn’t know what to do with her emotions. As prayer was offered, she lit up and accepted and said, how do you pray, can you teach me to pray? We talked about prayer, we prayed together and she joined in, adding her own words and prayers and she expressed such wonder in the peace that she felt from God.
A week or two later, I was talking with a guy who had never really prayed and didn’t know how to speak to God but really wanted to bring his sins to God as he seemed to feel that they were in the way. He had just stopped us on the street at nearly 4am and asked what we were doing (understandable as we were in our matching 247 tshirts) We explained who we were and what we were doing and he couldn’t believe how positive and loving God is.  We sat, we prayed, he joined in and found such wonder in the fact he was able to talk to God so easily. He went home with a bible and an excitement and expectancy to learn more about Jesus. Amazing! 

If you would like to hear about life and ministry in Ibiza, as well as points for prayer, you can subscribe here.


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