God is Speaking: Hear the Voices of Methodist Women

During his recent visit to South Africa, MCI President Rev. David Turtle was presented with a copy of “God Is Speaking: Hear the Voices of Methodist Women”, a collection of Bible study guides by female writers in Southern Africa. The studies exegete Scripture and invite the wider church to see the role of women in the whole of life through God’s eyes.

World Mission Partnership contributed £2,000 (€2,500) toward the costs of publishing God is Speaking, as part of our role to support discipleship in the world church. As Rev Dr Janet Unsworth, Director of MCI’s Ministries Team and WMP Committee Member, writes in her foreword:

“Enabling and equipping people to read the Bible is a key part of our discipleship as followers of Christ within the Methodist tradition… These studies guide us to pay attention to the Biblical text itself, then to its context and to our own context, before providing us with a series of questions to focus on personal reflection and group discussion… this approach will help us to consider these stories of Biblical women in a new way and to ponder how the voices of these women and of Methodist women of the 21st century speak to us in the circumstances in which we find ourselves today. I pray they will enable learning and growth through use in personal study and in local Bible study groups, developing the discipleship of the followers of Jesus in the MCSA.”

WMP were pleased to partner with our sister church in Southern Africa on this project, and we look forward to exploring other ways of collaborating in the future.


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The Philippines Tricycle