Pray for those serving overseas

The Methodist Church in Ireland has many international partnerships through both World Mission Partnership and also World Development & Relief. 

A mission partner is someone who feels called by God to serve in another part of the world church. Mission partners are sent jointly by the Irish and British Methodist Churches.

In recent months, new mission partners have completed their training and are ready to begin their overseas service.



Let us pray for our mission partners.

Generous God,
Thank you that you invite us to be part of your global mission.
Thank you for all of our mission partners and for their faithful response to your call to serve with the world church. 
We take time today to pray for those who have recently moved overseas.
We think of Melissa Newell who has just arrived in Ecuador where she will serve as a mission partner.
As she begins this new chapter, we pray that she will know your love in new ways, feel your presence close to her and grow deeper in relationship with you. 
Continue to guide Melissa and bless her in Ecuador with community, friendship and peace. 
We pray too for Revs Rachel & Sylvester Deigh serving with the Methodist Church Sierra Leone.  
We pray for the Buchold family, serving in South Africa. 
We pray also for Ray and Karen Borg, serving in central France. 
May they all know your presence with them as they settle into new rhythms, friendships, and cultures. 
In your loving name we pray,

Prayers of Solidarity are sent monthly. If you would like to join our mailing list, please click here.


Church of South India - Flood Relief Diocese of East Kerala


Join us with Bishop Dorcely, Methodist Church in Haiti