President in Birmingham for Diversity Conference

Rev Dr Sahr Yambasu, President

At the invitation of the “Belonging Together Minister’s Group” the Rev. Dr. Sahr Yambasu, President of the Methodist Church in Ireland will travel to Birmingham to speak at their Conference on Saturday 28th May 2022. 

The theme of the Conference is “Celebrating Diversity: Growing in Hope”

The President’s topic is “Called from the margins to the margins”

Commenting on this Rev. Dr. Yambasu said:

“It is from the margins that Jesus breathes new life into the centre … Every time we create a “belonging together” that excludes others, we automatically and inadvertently become “the centre” and others the margins”

The President reminds us of words from Ephesians 2:14:

“For him himself (Jesus) is our peace who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of Hostility”



Issued by:
Rev. Roy Cooper

Press Officer
T: 07710 945104


President attending St. Paul’s Cathedral for the celebration of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.


A statement from the President on the outcome of the recent Election in Northern Ireland