The Methodist Church in Ireland

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MCI's Response to the devastation of Haiti

Photo by World Vision

As has often been said “we live in a global village” and as such every day brings news of death and destruction and so we cannot avoid the problems of our world.

While we still remain in the grip of the pandemic we have now to think about the situation in Afghanistan so visually brought to our screens with the chaotic scenes at Kabul airport as people try to scramble on aircraft in the hope of arriving e.g. in the United States their land of freedom.

As a result of this there is the danger of other areas of need being eclipsed. Such is the case of Haiti once again thrown into the headlines as a result of the massive earthquake which to date has claimed almost 2000 lives. Coupled to that they were in the line of a tropical storm which has lashed the country. Reports have said that nearly 1 million people are left without any shelter as a result of this storm.

The Methodist Church in Ireland has a long association with Haiti with some of its ministers serving as Mission partners on the island. The President of the Methodist Church in Ireland, the Rev. Dr. Sahr Yambasu, has along with the Rev.Paul Maxwell, been in contact with the President of the United Methodist Church, offering not only sympathy but the promise of financial aid.

To this end a letter from the President has been circulated to all minister of the Methodist Church in Ireland,in which he says:

“I encourage the members of the Methodist Church in Ireland not only to support this Appeal generously but also to pray for those who have been bereaved and for strength and wisdom for those seeking to respond to this humanitarian crisis.”



Issued by: Rev. Roy Cooper - Press Officer, The Methodist Church in Ireland.

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For those wishing to donate to support relief efforts click here.

Pray for Haiti