The Methodist Church in Ireland

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Darling Street abseilers raising funds for renovation work

Nine members of the Darling Street Methodist congregation will abseil down the Europa Hotel in Belfast on Sunday 16 June, to fundraise for renovation work in their church building.

Darling Street in Enniskillen is undergoing much needed maintenance in several phases. The first phase has just commenced with the installation of a lift to assist those people facing mobility challenges and to ensure everyone can access the church building and halls when attending services. Phase two will hopefully follow on in quick succession with the installation of a disabled toilet which will provide space and comfort for wheelchair users and enable them to enter and manoeuvre easily.

Phase three remains in the planning stages but the vision is a major refurbishment of the church halls so they can be used more effectively, and be used by all the community. Plans and discussions so far have included a community cafe, a form of food bank, halls which will be available for different groups and charities to reach out to adults and children in Enniskillen and County Fermanagh as a whole.

Whilst some of the abseilers are seeking an adrenaline-filled adventure of a lifetime, others will be confronting massive fears and are feeling quite anxious. The youngest abseiler, Emily Knox is just 14-years-old.

If you would like to support the abseilers you can do so here.

Please keep all our abseilers in your prayers and also the ongoing renovation work.

This article featured in the June edition of The Methodist Newsletter.