CSR Highlighting Mental Health
The Council on Social Responsibility of the Methodist Church in Ireland are this month highlighting the mental health aspects of poverty.
Watch the videos below and read on to Learn, Pray and Act.
Caitlyn Kelly, Kintsugi Hope
Nicole Curran, Links Counselling Service
According to Mental Health UK one in four of us in the UK will likely be affected by mental health issues in our lifetime. In Northern Ireland, we are reported to have the highest prevalence of mental illness in the UK.
For anyone struggling with financial worries, debt, isolation or loneliness, and their impact on mental health, are intertwined.
Living with debt is hard in many ways. Specifically, in terms of mental wellbeing, it causes sleepless nights and anxiety. It can make a pre-existing mental health condition worse and can lead to depression, panic attacks or even, tragically, in about a third of cases, to suicidal thoughts.
So people who are already struggling with managing difficult financial situations can find their mental health suffers as a result. Managing their finances is then more difficult, due to their poor mental health, and they can fall into a downward spiral.
Nevertheless, I will bring health and healing to it; I will heal my people and will let them enjoy abundant peace and security.
– Jeremiah 33:6
Lord God,
We thank you that you are a loving God who cares for each one of us, whatever our situation. We bring before you anyone, whether known to us or not, who is struggling with mental health issues, of whatever type.
We ask you to watch over them and provide them with the strength that they need. Give them the courage to continue moving forward.
Help them to know that you are there for them, that you care for them and that, even if things seem hopeless, they are not, because you will never abandon them in their time of need.
May they find peace through you, Lord.
There are many wonderful organisations in NI which can help with issues around mental health, including:
Action Mental Health (Northern Ireland)
Website: amh.org.uk
Aware NI
Aware NI is the depression charity for Northern Ireland.
Website: aware-ni.org
Inspire NI
Website: inspirewellbeing.org (web chat available)
MindWise (Northern Ireland)
Website: mindwisenv.org