This resource pack features small group and service resources to help you and your congregation to delve deeper into what the Bible tells us about following Jesus wholeheartedly.
In preparation for these resources, we invited four people to read, think, study and pray about different people in the bible, considering what we can learn from them about following Jesus wholeheartedly. We used their work as the foundation for the contents of this pack and are so thankful for their contribution, as well as those who have prepared sessions and services!
About the pack
The pack contains small group studies, youth groups sessions, Sunday School sessions, an all-age worship service and the Home Mission Sunday 2022 Service Guide (20th November 2022).
Use the content in whatever way works for you - for example, the small group resources could be adapted for use on Sunday mornings, for a Church Weekend, or for a quiet day with your Church Council.
Our hope is that as Methodist people of all ages explore these stories that “Living wholeheartedly as followers of Jesus for the transformation of the world” will become more and more real for each and every one of us. May we respond to and know deeply the love of God, growing as followers of Jesus who join with God in transforming the world.
The Love of the Father
Rev David Nixon, President of the Methodist Church in Ireland 2022-23Timothy
Rev Leah McKibben, probationer minister currently serving in Omagh and FintonaCaleb
Jonny Best, Lay PersonThe Woman at the Well/The Rich Young Ruler
Melissa Newell, Irish Methodist mission partner, currently serving with the Methodist church in Ecuador.
With thanks to Emma-Jayne Speers, Rev. Cheryl Patterson and Gemma Barclay for their contributions to the Youth, Sunday School and All Age Service resources.
& Downloads
PDFs now available to download.
Grace McGurk – Ministries Team
Encounters 1: The Love of the Father
Encounters 2: Timothy
Encounters 3: Caleb
Encounters 4: The Woman at the Well/The Rich Young Ruler
Gemma Barclay - IMYC
Youth Group Session: The Prodigal Son
Youth Group Session: Caleb
Youth Group Session: Timothy
Emma Jayne Speers – Youth and Children and Community Worker, Woodvale Methodist
Sunday School Session: Caleb
Sunday School Session: Prodigal Son
Sunday School Session: Timothy
Rev Cheryl Patterson
All Age Worship Service: Timothy
Home Mission Sunday 2022 Service
Home Missions Team
8 Videos
Service Guide
PowerPoint Slides
Discipleship Development Group
Heather Bailie
Children & Family Ministry Coordinator, IMYC
Kathryn Harte
Team Coordinator, Home Mission Team
Laura Kerr
Communications & Fundraising Coordinator,
World Development & Relief and World Mission Partnership Teams
Stephen Mayes
Press and Communications Manager
Grace McGurk
Learning and Development Officer, Ministries Team