Living Wholeheartedly as followers of Jesus for the transformation of the world.
Living Wholeheartedly as followers of Jesus for the transformation of the world.
Living Wholeheartedly
Vision Statement
‘Living wholeheartedly as followers of Jesus for the transformation of the world’ was adopted as the vision statement for the Methodist Church in Ireland in 2021.
Visit this page throughout the year for inspiration and up to date resources to help you and your congregation. You will also hear about what living out this vision means for Methodists in Ireland on our social media platforms, in our publications and at events. Follow us on social media to stay up to date.
We are followers of Jesus Together
At Methodist Conference 2023 our theme was Followers of Jesus: Together. As Methodists in Ireland we help each other to be more like Jesus and step out in mission together. Together is important.
For the 2023/24 year our President’s theme is, ‘Take my yoke upon you’ – part of the invitation that Jesus issues to all who are weary and burdened in Matthew 11.
“Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy of ill fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” (The Message)
Over the course of the year, as Methodists in Ireland we’re going to be giving attention to practicing means of grace together. We’ll learn to walk with Jesus at his pace, manner and pathway that we might live freely and lightly, trained by Him as His apprentices to be wholehearted followers of Jesus for transformation of the world.
Monthly Themes
Each month, our President will introduce a theme that gives attention to one of the practices of Jesus, encouraging local churches to explore this practice. New resources will be added to this page each month to help you explore these themes.
September: Prayer
October: Scripture
November: Sabbath
December: Service and Generosity*
January: Solitude and Silence
February: Simplicity*
March: Fasting*
April: Worship & Sacrements
May: Community and Celebration*
*Resources will be available during these months to equip your local church to specifically “practice” some practices together as congregations. For example, during Lent there will be a call to 40 days of non-stop prayer as a Church across the island.
>>> Autumn/WINTER Resource Pack - download NOW
Graphics Toolkit
To help embed familiarity and ownership of the vision of ‘living wholeheartedly’, the following content has been produced:
Screen graphics
Various slides/backgrounds are available for use on screens. The images are PNG files which can be placed into PowerPoint Presentations or presentation software for use at services or events.
Download .zip files below.
For further assistance or additional variations, please get in touch.
Print business cards (85mm x 55mm) with the ‘living wholeheartedly’ vision statement for your congregation.
Download print-ready artwork below.
MCI’s branding was updated in 2021. For downloads and more follow the link below.
Share a story
Do you have a story to share about what ‘Living wholeheartedly…’ means for your congregation?
Do you have resources that you have developed for your own congregation that you are willing to share with others?
Request a banner
One pull up banner for indoor use and one outdoor banner have been produced for every society in Ireland.
If you do not yet have a banner for your church, you can let us know below.

Living Wholeheartedly
with Heather Morris
Further Resources
Autumn/Winter Resource Pack
Download our Resource Pack which includes studies for small groups, youth groups, Sunday schools and all age worship.
Covenant Sunday Video
This resource video from General Secretary, Rev Dr Heather Morris, serves to inspire and encourage Methodists across the Connexion, to have a faith in God that isn’t limited to a Sunday, but that’s lived out wholeheartedly every day, in every situation.
Church Council Discussion Guide
Use this discussion guide to introduce your Church Council to the vision statement and to plan for the 2022/23 Connexional Focus as a society.
Living Wholeheartedly
Learn more about some of the distinctives communicated by ‘Living wholeheartedly as followers of Jesus for the transformation of the world’ phrase.
Wholehearted Ministry
The Pastoral Address from Conference 2022 seeks to explore the idea of Wholehearted Ministry throughout the Connexion.
Wholehearted is a resource that not only prepares young people for becoming a member of the Methodist Church in Ireland but that also encourages them and helps them grow in their journey as disciples.
Prayer Resources
These resources, created for 50 Days of Wholehearted Prayer from Easter - Pentecost 2021, can be used at any time throughout the 2023/23 year.