Wholehearted is a resource that not only prepares young people for becoming member of the Methodist Church in Ireland but that also encourages them and helps them grow in their journey as disciples.
We are and long to be people who, ‘live wholeheartedly as followers of Jesus for the transformation of the world’.
We pray this resource will be used as a tool for encounter and growth as young and old delve into scripture, spend time discussing what they are hearing, reflect on what it means for their lives and are challenged to think about ‘what next’ – putting into action what they are learning.
To gain free access to all the 'Wholehearted' material including passwords to each session and receive a copy of the leaders guide and participant journals, please fill out the jotform below:

“Living wholeheartedly as followers of Jesus for the transformation of the world”
Sessions 1-8
God the Father
God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Trinity. What does that really mean and why is it important to consider the significance of the Trinity for our lives as Christians? This session will help us think about who God is and how we relate to him as his beloved children.
Jesus the Son
Who is Jesus? Fully divine and fully human. Christ incarnate. This session will help us explore and consider the life of Jesus and what that means for our everyday lives.
Holy Spirit
Who or what is the Holy Spirit? How does the Holy Spirit work in our lives today? In this session we will consider the work and place of Holy Spirit in our lives as followers of God.
Once and for all
This session will help us consider the overall picture and story of the Bible from creation, to the fall, resurrection and redemption. We will focus on where we find ourselves in the story so far and how we believe the good news of the gospel is for all people.
At the beginning of each year, Methodists have a covenant service in which we commit ourselves to God in all that comes our way. But what does that mean and what are we committing to? This session helps us take a closer look at the Covenant and challenges us to live it out every day.
Church and Worship
What is church? Why is it important? What is worship, when do we do it and why? This session looks at the who, what, where, when, why and how of church and worship as we explore and learn more about the roots of Methodism and the place of worship.
Means of Grace
Spiritual disciplines, holy habits, means of grace – in this session we will consider ways and practices that help us grow as disciples of Jesus and the impact we can have on the world as we live out our faith.
Commitments and Sacraments
In this session we will think about the commitments we make as we become members of MCI and the importance of baptism and communion. We will also encourage individuals to think missionally as we consider the role we play as members of MCI who long to see the world transformed and won for Jesus.
Wholehearted is based on scripture, with Methodist belief and theology woven throughout. Alongside this resource, please use and refer to the ‘Methodist Belief’ resource that has been produced by the Methodist Church in Ireland that gives more in-depth detail about some of the areas we will touch on in these sessions.