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Together; Being Church in a Divided World

This interactive webinar aims to equip Methodist people in Ireland to live out an important witness in an increasingly divided world. 


What does it mean to love one another, even when we profoundly disagree?

Pressures both from the surrounding culture and from disagreements within threaten to divide people of faith from one another. We believe that belonging to one another is one central element of what it means to belong to Christ. Connexion is inbuilt into how we live this calling out as Methodists.

Perhaps the most profound witness we have to offer the world around us is what Jesus said would mark us out as his, that we love one another (John 13:35).

  • But what does it look like to love when we profoundly disagree?

  • What is a faithful Christian response to profound differences of opinion about matters that are of central importance?

Together we will explore these ideas, look at biblical imagery for being church, and hear from experts on what Methodist tradition, Scripture and practices of faith can teach us so that together we can reach toward a vision for being church together.

8 November

In Conversation with Junior Vutoyi

17 November

Social Media: Webinar & Free E-Course