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Social Media: Webinar & Free E-Course

We are delighted to be able to offer an exciting opportunity for circuits across our Connexion to access free training on the use of social media in a church context.

Those attending the social media webinar and undertaking the free e-course from the team at Digital Church Toolkit will learn how churches can use social media platforms well to engage and connect with people in a mission based context. The team at Digital Church Toolkit have successfully worked with a variety of churches and Christian organisations across Great Britain and Ireland and it’s super exciting to be able to partner with them in helping provide their excellent training to people across our own Connexion.

The social media webinar will take place remotely via Zoom on Wednesday 17th November at 7.30pm and last for approximately 90 minutes.

 This webinar and the free e-course which follows it will be open to 2 people from each circuit whether they be stationed ministers, lay persons, locally employed staff, regular church attenders/members and volunteers.

*Note about Registration*
(Please read before Registering)

The registration link can only be used once by an individual to register up to 2 people from their circuit.

The registration link will only be valid for individuals with Microsoft 365 accounts and therefore we would request that either the:

·       Circuit Superintendent;
·       Circuit Steward; or
·       Ministers who are the only stationed Minister on a circuit

be responsible for registering attendees for their circuit as places are limited. This way circuits will know who has received the training locally on their circuit as well as being able to provide key individuals on the circuit with a place on the free e-course (rather than it being opened more widely).

Following closure of registration, we will then forward on the Zoom meeting link, Meeting ID and Passcode for the webinar by email to all those who have been registered to attend.

Whilst the webinar will be recorded for later and wider distribution around the Connexion for those who couldn’t attend, only those attending the webinar on the evening from circuits can be guaranteed a free place on the e-course.

For details about the e-course ‘Church Social Media Made Simple’ click here.


To register for this free webinar, please click here.

 The closing date/time for registration has now been extended to 5pm on Monday 15th November 2021.


12 November

Together; Being Church in a Divided World

18 November

Our Island In Common: A North-South Conversation