UMC Eurasia hosts men’s seminar

A grant of €1,500 from the Fund for Mission in Europe has been sent to the United Methodist Church in Eurasia to support a men’s seminar entitled ‘Be Strong and of Good Courage’.

The UMC in Eurasia aims to educate leaders among men who want to deepen their faith and fulfil their role in their families, in the church and in society. In 2021 due to the pandemic the organising committee changed the format of the meeting to a 4-day open air event.

The forum program is planned in such a way that men of faith can be filled spiritually and experience the spirit of unity and adventure.
In 2022 the event will take place in the Far East starting today (27 June) and running until July2. The seminar encourages the participants to take responsibility in their faith and in many areas of their lives, including in church ministry. It is important for the participants to be united in common worship and prayer. These times also give them an opportunity to think about how they can serve together in their respective regions.

Please pray for this event and all those who will be attending.


Supporting mission in Portugal


Video update from Stephen McCann