The Methodist Church in Ireland

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Training in Haiti

Earlier this year, a financial gift was sent to the Methodist Church in Haiti from the Methodist Church in Ireland, through World Mission Partnership.
This gift was used for training lay preachers, stewards, lay leaders and Sunday School teachers.

Writing to Rev. Dr. Laurence Graham, General Secretary of WMP, the President of the Methodist Church in Haiti says,

”Greetings and salutations from Haiti District!

Over 3 years, political turmoil and Covid 19 have put in a down side to respond to our mission. Over the past 18 months while our original mission remains, we have also dedicated ourselves to supporting our communities and helping them. Throughout the pandemic you (Irish Methodists through WMP) have been faithful to us in our struggle to provide to our own people. You have worked with us to deliver goods on many occasions. Praise be the name of the Almighty God!

I would like to thank each and every one of you who support us over the years and especially during the last 3 years of deep struggling; and who have continued to be there for my people throughout the pandemic as we continue to work on ways to improve the lives of our people in every way we can navigate to make it possible.

In Petion Circuit, we had a training seminar for Lay leaders and preachers and church Stewards.

In Port au Prince Circuit, it was mostly for youth, Lay leaders, and Sunday schools teachers from different congregations.

In Cap Haitian Circuit it was also Lay preachers and leaders, school teachers and Sunday school teachers were attended.  They were very excited; some said they have waited so long for such a moment. 

Other Circuits are still waiting for a moment like that because the situation still remains chaotic for them to travel far from their Circuits. Petit-Goave, Miragoane, LaGonave and St Marc Arcahaie are the next ones that we would like to organize. While Cayes and Jeremie are still in hole due to the earthquake.

 Thanking you all for being part of our mission families.
May the Lord Almighty be you. Keep safe and be well!

Yours in Christ,

Rev Dorcely

Bishop, Révérend Jean Lesly DORCELY

Président de la Conférence”

*This money was sent before the earthquake that hit Haiti in August 2021.