The Methodist Church in Ireland

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Training for ministry in Togo

At a committee meeting in September, World Mission Partnership agreed to give a financial gift to the Methodist Church in Togo, to support two ministerial students in their training.

The students have two years left in their training and will complete it in Benin.
Through WMP, Irish Methodists will be giving €10,000 total over the two years.
The Methodist Church Togo is covering family support, accommodation, insurance etc.

On hearing that the gift was being sent, Rev. Godson Lawson Kpavuvu (President of the Methodist Church of Togo) sent the following message,

”I would like to thank you and the IRISH METHODIST WORLD MISSION PARTNERSHIP COMMITTEE for kindly accepting our request for a theological study grant for two of our pastors. Your action undoubtedly denotes your desire for solidarity in the MISSIO DEI of the CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST.”

Once they have completed their training, the two students will return to Togo and begin their ministry with The Methodist Church Togo.
One minister will be working with a community close to Togo’s border with Benin, and the other will be working in northern Togo near the Burkina Faso border.