Serving with EMI in Uganda

“My name is Gavin Taylor, and I have just completed my masters in Structural Engineering. For the next eight months, I will be working with a Christian non-profit called Engineering Ministries International (EMI) in Uganda. EMI works in parts of the world where there is serious need of infrastructure. They design and build schools, hospitals, and ministry centres, among other things. These buildings will support the work of Christian missions and organisations in developing countries.

During my time in Uganda, I will be doing structural engineering work with the EMI team in the projects they are engaged with. I will also get opportunities to work alongside the local church in its mission and outreach to the people of Kajjansi, where I will be based. EMI has a gospel focus, and recognises that it is only God that can truly restore people. Through meaningful relationships in the communities EMI are based, we aim to point people to him as we use our design skills to help address the community’s physical and infrastructural needs. Please pray for me as I settle into the Ugandan culture.

Pray that God will help me form good relationships with the community I am working, and that I can be a good witness for Christ as I do the work he has set before me out there.”

For his placement with EMI, Gavin is required to fundraise to cover his costs. World Mission Partnership is pleased to have made a contribution of £2,750/€3,000 towards Gavin’s overall fundraising target. We hope to share updates from Gavin while he is in Uganda.

Gavin’s next fundraising event is tomorrow, Saturday 29th July. It is a coffee & information morning about his upcoming work with EMI. It starts at 10:30am and is being held in Dundrum Methodist Church."


Melissa Newell: Newsletter, June 2023


Praying for Turkey