Radio broadcast for Lenten Reflections

In Togo, the Methodist Church is sharing the Lenten reflections (written by Methodists in Togo, Poland, Ghana & Ireland) on their radio station, 'Gloire a Dieu', throughout Lent! The church is also printing the resource for all pastors and lay preachers.

Rev Godson Lawson Kpavuvu, President of the Methodist Church in Togo says,

“I particularly appreciated the rich theological content of the document. The electronic copy will also be available on all Church platforms  in order to facilitate a  wide sharing. In addition, we are considering an English broadcast session  on the document for our English-speaking community.”

The Lenten Reflections, available in English, French & Polish, can be downloaded from our website and have been designed for individual or group use.

Download here:


Mission in Sierra Leone


Interview with Bishop Dorcely