Praying for our World Church Family

MCI is linked to more than 100 partner churches across the world. Although we live in different climates and speak different languages, we share the common challenge of living in a sinful and broken world.

Our churches experience that sin in different ways: as greed or poverty, as drought or flood, as secularism or persecution.

Today, we ask God to help our World Church family in the face of those challenges. We ask Him to give courage in the depths of fear, love in the face of rejection, and faith in the midst of darkness.

Let us pray for our partner churches at this time.

Father God,

We pray for our brothers and sisters in churches across the world.

We pray for the Church in Poland and ask Your blessing on their Summer Camps for Children and Young People. We pray also for their work with Ukrainian refugees, that this practical demonstration of Your love will offer safety and respite, and act as a powerful witness to the Gospel message.

We pray for Church in Togo, for their ministers in training and for their lay preachers. We ask you to be with them as they plant churches in the North of the country, sharing the Good News in a region where most people still follow other religions.

We pray for the Church in Upper Myanmar, in the face of persecution and political unrest. We ask that You strengthen them with courage and faith and provide strong foundations for their Church as they seek to grow and spread Your word, even in the face of real danger

We pray for the Church in Ghana, giving thanks for their growth, for their faith and for their commitment to evangelism. We ask for Your blessing on their Women in Leadership Conference, that it would help attendees to grow in faith and confidence and empower them to play transformative roles in the church and the communities around them.

We pray for the Church in Sierra Leone and ask that that you would guide their leaders as they seek sustainable ways of being Church. We pray also for their Lay Preachers: equip them with the training and resources they need for ministry.

Finally, we pray for the Methodist Church of Haiti. We ask that you give strength to the ministers struggling under a heavy workload, to the preachers who travel long distances to serve many congregations, and for everyone who is waiting anxiously for their long-delayed salary. We pray for all Haitians, as they suffer through this prolonged cycle of violence, poverty, disease and natural disaster.

We ask these things in Jesus’ name,


The Global Mission Fellow experience


February 2023: News from the World Methodist Council