Praying for MCI
In Ireland, we’re used to praying for other churches. But how often do we remember to ask for prayer?
This Lent, churches across the world are praying for us. Methodists in Myanmar, Sierra Leone and Namibia are interceding for the Methodist Church in Ireland, and asking God:
• For a renewal and deepening of faith for every member
• For our Methodist Conference and Leadership as they seek God’s guidance on all things
• For encouragement, despite declining membership
• For God’s direction in where and how we are to serve our communities and the wider world
• For wisdom as we consider new ways to be church and do mission so that His church might grow
Rev Colin Gertze, from the Methodist Church Namibia, writes:
“It is with great joy that I receive your request for prayer support from our spiritual sisters and brothers here in Namibia. I wholeheartedly agree that joining together in prayer, transcending geographical boundaries, strengthens our unity in Christ and amplifies our petitions to our Heavenly Father.”
We are humbled and encouraged to receive this prayerful support, and it’s a privilege to have our brothers and sisters join with us during this Lenten period.
Rev Colin Gertze, from the Methodist Church in Namibia