Prayers of Solidarity: Sierra Leone

Methodist Church in Ireland has just recently seen Rev. Dr. Sahr Yambasu installed as its President for this year. Sahr was born and grew up in Sierra Leone, a country whose Methodist Church (MCSL) has had links to our own over the decades, indeed centuries. WMP sent a solidarity grant to MCSL in 2020. 60% of the population live below the poverty line. The current President of MCSL, Rev. Mark Komba Ngobeh, has asked us to pray as follows.

Let us pray for our world church partners in Sierra Leone at this time. 

God of the future,

We ask for your blessing on a country where there is great economic hardship for many.

Long distances and limited infrastructure can isolate many.

We pray for the economy to improve.

May the government exhibit wisdom, vision and compassion in its decision-making.

May there be peace and love for all.

For your Methodist Church we pray that their strategic plan may be implemented so that your gospel may be shared through word and action.

May their Methodist Conference be possible in 2022.

Inspire leaders, including Mark as President, and members alike, that they may commit to you, despite challenges.



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