Prayer of Solidarity

Together with the Methodist Church in Britain, MCI sends Mission Partners to serve with world church partners. Rev. Barry & Mrs Gillian Sloan are Irish Mission Partners who have been serving in Chemnitz, Germany for many years. 

Mission Associates are those serving with other organisations but partly supported by WMP. 

Currently, Irish Methodists are supporting Stephen McCann (serving with 24-7 Ibiza) and James and Hazel Farmer and their four children (serving in South East Asia with Logos Ministries International). As has been the case for us here on the island of Ireland, ministry, outreach and community has looked different for our mission partners and associates in the last year, and so we continue to pray for them in ever-changing circumstances. 

Let us pray for our partners at this time.


God of faithfulness, 

Thank you for the world you have created,
For diverse cultures, for opportunities to learn from one another.
Thank you for those who have heard your call to serve overseas and faithfully responded. 
We pray for our Irish Mission Partners Barry & Gillian Sloan.
Thank you for their creativity and new ways of reaching people through their ‘Irish Pilgrims’ YouTube channel.
We pray for Stephen McCann in Ibiza as he, and he 24-7 team, prepare for a quieter summer season on the island. Continue to inspire Stephen in his ministry, even when faced with uncertainty and challenges.
For the Farmer family; God we give thanks for their servant hearts and their love for you and the people in South East Asia. 
God, as they wait in Northern Ireland, grant them patience and peace as they wait for news of being able to return.
May your presence, grace and direction be known by those serving you overseas.



Newsletter from Mission Partners in South Africa


News from World Methodist Council