Praying for Mission Associate, Gavin Taylor

This month’s Prayer of Solidarity is for Gavin Taylor, one of MCI’s Mission Associates.

Gavin Taylor is a member of Dundrum Methodist Church, and a qualified Structural Engineer. He is also a Mission Associate, through World Mission Partnership, serving with Engineering Ministries International in Uganda, where he uses his engineering skills to design and construct buildings for Christian organisations. Alongside his engineering work, Gavin plays an active role in the Ugandan church through worship and youth ministry.

In both his church and work roles, Gavin is an example of how we can support our world church family, and also be supported by them. Gavin is blessing others through his engineering skills, his musical ability and his experience as a youth leader. But he is also being blessed in return, receiving insights into life and faith, building relationships with new people, and gaining valuable experience for his future life and career.

Let’s pray for Gavin and his work in Uganda.


We thank you for Gavin; for the skills and talents you have given him,

And for his commitment to using them for your purposes.

We ask you to keep him safe and healthy in Uganda:

Help him to grow in faith and experience,

Guide him through the challenges of living in a different culture,

Give him strength and patience, stamina and compassion.
Provide opportunities for conversations about you,

And make your will clear to him.

We ask these things in Jesus’ name,



Happy Christmas


December 2023: News from the World Methodist Council