Appeal of the United Methodist Church in Poland regarding the crisis on the Polish-Belarusian border

The following statement has been received from the United Methodist Church in Poland, with support from the European Methodist Council.

Read the original statement in Polish here.


Acting under the authority of the Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church in Poland, meeting in Warsaw on October 28-31, 2021, on the issue of taking a stand on the situation on the Polish-Belarusian border and the area under the state of emergency, as the executive body of our highest synodal assembly, we appeal to our fellow believers, as well as to all people of good will, to persevere in common prayer for overcoming the current crisis and, if necessary, in the spirit of the teachings of our Master - Jesus Christ, to provide necessary assistance to those in need.

As Christians and citizens of the Republic of Poland, we are far from entering into the competencies of state bodies responsible for the protection of the Polish population and our borders. However, we feel responsible for the common good, which is our homeland and the whole world, therefore we cannot remain silent when we see how a part of our country has become a place of humanitarian crisis affecting men, women and children, and among them also the sick and traumatized.

According to the social teaching of our Church, as expressed in the Social Principles, we consider all people to be members of God's family. Therefore, as Christians for whom the Word of God is the guideline for life, we cannot turn our backs on people in need of help.

The United Methodist Church in Poland, faithful to the Gospel and to the brotherly love between people that flows from it, asks its members and sympathizers as well as all people of good will to engage in initiatives to support the victims of the humanitarian crisis on the Polish borders and to pray for those whose duty it is to ensure security and peace in our homeland.

Warsaw, November 17, 2021

Council of the United-Methodist Church in the Republic of Poland 

Translated with from the Polish original with edits by the European Methodist Council


The supporting statement from the European Methodist Council (full version here)

As members of the European Methodist Council alongside the European Commission on Mission, we offer our full support to the United Methodist Church in Poland for the release of this statement and for their call to prayer and action. Additionally, we support our church members in the countries bordering Belarus-Poland, Latvia and Lithuania-as they seek to help those who have been impacted by this crisis.

We invite Methodist, Wesleyan and United Churchesin Europe to join with our member churches in Poland, Latvia and Lithuaniain prayer. We askthe governments in the countries bordering Belarus to give access to the Red Cross to provide support for victims. We appeal to the European Union to make every effort to solve this situation.

The European Methodist Council
The European Commissionon Mission
22nd November 2021


Call for help for refugees at the border 

The Mayor of Warsaw and representatives of various churches and religions in Poland have called for solidarity with migrants and refugees in need and for support for secular and faith-based organisations providing assistance at the Polish-Belarusian border. In addition, a collection of goods for the migrants and refugees has been initiated. 
Read the full statement here.


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