Nationals in Mission Appointments (NMAs)

These appointments encourage and support local people in key mission projects in their own countries. There are over 100 NMA's working with partners around the world. Salaries are paid by the World Mission Fund (WMF) and enable new work to be developed. Through World Mission Partnership, Irish Methodists contribute to the WMF.

Here is an example of NMA's from Ghana:

Dr Ni-Addo Bruce works with Buruli ulcer patients, mostly based at riverine areas. Mycobacterium ulcerans, is the causative agent that produces subcutaneous ulcers if not treated immediately. This often results in deformity with pronounced scar tissue. The disease is non-communicable, however patients are stigmatised and require livelihood skills to fend for themselves and family. He had treated more than 365 patients over four years and assisted post-surgical patients, especially those with deformities caused by the disease. The Methodist Church has offered heath care across affected communities and Dr Addo continues to provide preventative and curative solutions to these communities. MC Ghana was very appreciative of MC Britain support for affected patients these past years. It hopes to continue supporting the brave patients that survived surgery despite the challenge of stigma from families and communities. 

Dr Michael Busia is a general practitioner at the Lake Basin region. He oversees three primary health clinics that serves more than twenty communities with a population of 15,000 and more. He treats both communicable and noncommunicable diseases. The dwellers are mostly peasant farmers with poor road access. Malaria is common among children.  He performs blood tests for quick malaria diagnosis and advises use of mosquito nets and various insect repellent to reduce disease incidence. There are also a few non-communicable diseases especially hypotension requiring medication as well as lifestyle changes.  


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