New President for Methodist Church Upper Myanmar

The Methodist Church Upper Myanmar has appointed their new President, who will serve for a three-year term. Responding to an email from WMP Coordinator David Nesbitt, congratulating him on his appointment, Rev Malsawmthanga, writes,

We are very thankful to MCI for your cooperation and collaboration. It made us feel much encouraged and we also hope that this constantly goes well in the future, too.

I am Rev Malsawmthanga, an ordained minister of the Methodist Church in Upper Myanmar since 2002. According to the 2023 Annual Conference’s stationing decision, I have taken up the Presidency of the MCUM Conference from 2023 to 2026, from the previous president Rev Kok Thang.”

Rev Malsawmthanga has highlighted three priorities for this tenure in office:

  1. To help those who have been made homeless due to the ongoing conflict in Myanmar; supporting them with food provision as well as education for children

  2. To facilitate the mission field of MCUM, particularly in one area where MCUM runs a pre-school for local children

  3. To find possible ways for MCUM qualified ministers and prospective lay leaders to upgrade their educational development.

Signing off his email, Rev Malsawmthanga says, “We invite and request you, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, to always remember us and refer to the pressing needs of MCUM ministry in your prayer.”


Response to changes to the Mission Partner Programme


June 2023: News from the World Methodist Council