MEET Germany

MEET (Methodist – Experience – Exchange – Tell) teams visit churches in other countries.  They offer a chance for MCI to support and learn from our World Methodist family.
The aims of MEET are:

  • To expose Irish Methodists to new and different ways of doing church, so that they will be challenged and inspired to find ways of growing the church in Ireland. 

  • To share what MCI is doing well with others.  

  • To build relationships with Methodist brothers and sisters, which will lead to mutual encouragement, understanding and support. 

  • To increase engagement in Mission. 

From 5th-11th October, World Mission Partnership will be taking a MEET team to Germany. The team will visit German Methodist churches in:

  • Metzingen: A disused church building reborn as a climbing hall and new community of faith.

  • Nuremberg: A contemporary, outward-focused congregation which has developed a network of similar churches.

  • Chemnitz (Inspire Project, run by MCI Mission Partners Barry and Gillian Sloan): A cafe, community and social outreach project that stretches our assumptions about what church can be. 

The team will spend a week gaining insight and first-hand experience of the challenges facing German Methodists, and the way they've responded to these challenges.
Please pray for the team to have safe and straightforward travel, and for God to use this opportunity to build relationships that will grow the church in both Ireland and Germany.


Greetings from Uganda


Praying for Eritrea