Messages from Myanmar

At MCI Conference last week, we shared this video update from Rev. Kok Thang, President of the Methodist Church Upper Myanmar.

Since then, we’ve received the following message:

Great to hear from you.
We are still going through the bad situations. We could not withdraw Annual grant yet. I am trying my best with all possible ways with new strict restrictions by military coup.
We are taking care of nearly 1,000 internally displaced people in Chin State with very limited resources and opportunities.

Addition to that Covid-19 has outbreak in Tahan and Tamu Districts without medical help and a dozen members are swept away by these days. The prevention and control mechanism has stopped due to the coup.

 Wesley Hospital was recently in lockdown.

We feel like the future has no light at the moment.

Thanks for your concern about us.”

Please continue to pray for Myanmar amidst the pandemic and ongoing political instability. Pray for the church as it continues to minister and care for people, in truly challenging circumstances.


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