Over £12,400 (€14,500) raised by JMA

Despite the pandemic, JMA groups across Ireland raised a brilliant total of £12,400 (€14,500) for InpsireKids in Germany in 2020-21.

InspireKids is  a Christian organisation  in Chemnitz, eastern Germany.
They live out the Gospel  by being the body of Christ to children and young people that are often from very difficult backgrounds.

They are salt and light to the neighbourhood. Everything they do is built on the foundation of Christ and his teaching. They are building God’s kingdom and changing lives through their care, compassion and practical witness.

This brilliant sum enabled InspireKids to run a summer programme in July and August. InspireKids is a welcoming space for all children and young people, and many come from socially deprived areas or refugee families. The summer programme gave these children opportunities to have fun, learn and develop new friendships. The programme included visits to museums and castles, barbecues and picnics, forest treks and lake swimming and even a week of circus training! The team at InspireKids have expressed their gratitude to everyone in MCI who contributed to JMA fundraising and made this possible.


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